Straws Suck: May 4th Declared Straw Free Day
Friday, May 4, 2018, has been proclaimed Missoula’s first “Straw Free Day.” Mayor Engen set forth the proclamation after a class of 1st graders at Sussex School came up with the idea while learning about waste reduction.
To reduce waste and continue the efforts towards Missoula’s goal of Zero Waste by 2050, the Top Hat will not serve drinks with straws on May 4th. In fact, Logjam Presents venues will carry on the practice by no longer serving drinks with straws unless requested. If you DO want a straw, rest assured knowing they are compostable at each of the Logjam venues.
What’s the big deal with straws?
In the U.S. alone, it’s estimated that 500 million single use straws are thrown away each day, which is enough straws to wrap around the Earth’s circumference 2.5 times. Eventually these straws make way into our landfills, often littering our waterways and oceans.
So please, do what little part you can to reduce waste on May 4th. Don’t suck!