You’re Invited to The ELM’s Open House!
We’ve been looking forward to welcoming you to the ELM for a long time! On Friday September 3, 2021, you’re invited to the ELM Open House, a free event that’s open to all ages. This is a chance for the Bozeman community to check out its new, state of the art venue and enjoy some live music… live LOCAL music to be exact.
Bozeman-based singer-songwriter Madeline Hawthorne will be breaking in the ELM stage from 6pm-8pm, while folks peruse the new space.
Logjam will also have a community table with ticket/swag giveaways. Merchandise and tickets to upcoming shows will be available for purchase as well.
So mark your calendars for Friday, September 3rd and come celebrate a new chapter of live entertainment in Bozeman, Montana. We look forward to seeing you!