Social, Martha Scanlan
Logjam Presents Montana-based, singer-songwriter Martha Scanlan for a seated performance at The Wilma on Saturday, May 20, 2017.
Martha Scanlan’s long-awaited third release, The Shape Of Things Gone Missing, The Shape Of Things To Come, is already being heralded as her best work yet. Given the beloved status of her first two records, that’s a tall order to fill.
The album is the result of a relative hiatus from the road; five years spent immersed in working and living on a 120 year-old small family cattle ranch in a remote corner of Southeastern Montana. Tongue River Stories was recorded on location there four years ago.
“I thought I was stepping back from music and writing,” says Scanlan, “but when these songs came together I realized that I have been writing them all along. There’s a beautiful congruence in music and working with cattle and horses- it’s all about the flow, finding the current in things. I was curious about how that would translate in the studio, how the landscape would come through.”
She couldn’t have found better company for such an endeavor; producer and long time musical collaborator Jon Neufeld brought fellow members of Black Prairie and the Decemberists, Dolorean and Amy Helm together into the studio for four short days. The record was mixed and mastered within ten.
“We wanted it to be a live, improvisational and collaborative process, to really let the current of the songs be the guide.”
The result is stunning.
Tickets go on sale at 10:00 am on Friday, April 21 and will be available at The Top Hat, online or by phone at 877-987-6487. All tickets are general admission seating with scattered cabaret tables available on a first come, first served basis. All ages are welcome.
For questions regarding ticketing, please email
Instagram, Martha Scanlan